Employment Law
The Irish Economy has previously suffered due to some well-documented problems, but at the forefront of these is employment. Nowhere else in Irish law has seen such a deluge of litigation as employers are now more aware of the minefield of technical obligations to their workers and the workplace while employees continue to experience tougher conditions being expected to work harder and in most cases for less which naturally can cause massive internal disputes.
Our Employment Law Solicitors have vast experience in all aspects regarding this area offering a perspective for both employer and the employee from recruitment right up through to grievance procedures, disciplinary procedures and termination. We actively advise on Employment Contracts together with terms and conditions of employment issues, workplace policies, Health and Safety procedures and the Statutory and Common Law implications and rights applicable.
We also advise in relation to litigation pertaining to unfair/constructive dismissals and redundancies. Representation for Court injunctions, Workplace Relations Commission, Adjudications, Equality Tribunal is part and parcel of the service provided. Workplace bullying, harassment and stress at work have also become prevalent and legal advice is an absolute must in this highly contentious area.
➦ Jason Teahan, Senior Associate
✉ j.teahan@coughlansolicitors.ie
Please contact any of our Employment Law Specialists below with your query or fill in our online form and we will call you back:
➦ Daniel Walsh, Senior Associate
✉ d.walsh@coughlansolicitors.ie